ATMIA 2018

ATMIA 2018
12 September 2018
This year as well we’ll be at ATMIA. We will exhibit our solutions for banknotes and coins.
It will be a pleasure for us to meet you at Booth #27 & 28.
Madrid, 17-19 October 2018. Save the date!
Some shots from CIAB Febraban 2018
Some shots from CIAB Febraban 2018
14 June 2018
We are at the CIAB Febraban, one of the most valuable event for the financial and information technology area.
Here you’ll find some shots of the event where our distributor MasterCoin is showing our deposit and recycling devices.
The exhibition is meeting with great success.
CIMA at the Memoria Festival 2018

CIMA at the Memoria Festival 2018
22 May 2018
As in previous years, also this year CIMA will be involved in the promotion of a very important event for Mirandola: the MEMORIA FESTIVAL.
We are pleased to announce that besides being sponsor of the event, we’ll also stand by a specific speech that will take place on Sunday evening, as a conclusion of the festival.
The speech will be enlivened by LUCIANA LITTIZZETTO AND DIEGO DE SILVA. We hope it will be enjoyable and appreciated by all of you.
The appointment is for Sunday the 10th of June at 9:30 p.m., in Piazza Costituente (Mirandola – MO), in the festival tent.
EuroCIS 2018
EuroCIS 2018
28 February 2018
Live from Düsseldorf..
Here we are at the second day of EuroCIS. The large attendance goes on. Great interest for our latest news… in particular for the youngest one in CIMA family:
See you tomorrow!